Biography of Dr. Sam King Flame

Biography of Dr. Sam King Flame

Dr. Sam is a charismatic minister with a prophetic and apostolic calling for the nations. He has preached in ministries, churches, conferences, household meetings, underground meetings, and services in nations all over the world.

Dr. Sam was born and brought up in a Christian family in southern India. His Father, Apostle C Vijayan was a powerful preacher and friend and lover of Jesus for the 33 years of his ministry after he met the Lord. Prophet Sam lived in the atmosphere of Holy Spirit thanks to his parents’ dedication, prayers, and heart for the Lord.

At the age of 4, Dr. Sam and his sister were sent to an orphanage for good education, care for their daily needs, and for the good spiritual atmosphere. His family was lacking the daily necessities to care for them and sought a stronger life for their two children in this difficult time. At the age of 10, Sam and his older sister was brought home from the orphanage. Prophet Sam would travel with his father as he discipled people from house to house.

At the age of 19, God appeared in his room and began to speak to him in an audible voice. He said, “Sam, you are for Me. Seek My Kingdom.” In the midst of this encounter, he cried in the Presence of the Lord for no understandable reason. This continued for about a week. Dr. Sam puts it this way, “I knew it was the work of the Holy Spirit in me that day. From that day forward, I dedicated myself to the Lord’s work completely.” This encounter was the start of his walk with the Lord.

Biblical and Theological training

After this encounter, in 2012, Dr. Sam went into deep Biblical studies and schooling in different states of India which he describes as a beautiful experience. It was in this schooling that he went through DTS and SBS under The University of Nations, completed prophetic schools under Dr. Prophet Ezekia Francis, and received his doctorates in theology under the Anglican Church. (Please note the Anglican Church is the only public church legally recognized in India. Dr. Sam got the highest biblical training available and legally recognized in the nation of India.)

Missionary work

With this training, God took him into Northern India in 2015 as a missionary. He then founded Prophet Sam King Flame ministries in 2016 as God continued to speak to him about his call and ministry. Prophet Sam’s work in Northern India continued for 5 years and during this time, he worked spiritually building the churches, contending with many revival crusades which shook all of northern India, healing many sick, casting out demons. After that, he raised a dead body in Hyderabad. Through all of this, Dr. Sam was lifting up the Name of Jesus and telling the good news to all the nations. Jesus is enabling His people as He is the Life giving Spirit.

Start of online mission work

At the start of Covid-19 in 2020, Dr. Sam increased his work of evangelizing and ministering to the body of Christ through online platforms. His ministry online grew and multiplied, especially in late 2021 and in 2022. You can follow and become part of this ministry by following Dr. Sam on Instagram and Facebook and by subscribing to his YouTube channel through the icons below.

2022-2023 and India mission work

From November 6 to December 28th of 2022, (52 days) Dr. Sam and 4 other men of God, ministers, and missionary drivers, traveled to 27 of the 28 states of India leading revival and ministry meetings. In this move of God, entitled Holy Spirit Encounter, Holy Spirit moved in a might way among multiple underground churches, public churches, ministry buildings, public facilities of worship, private and underground home ministries, and more, the move of God spreading throughout differing denominations, religions, races, languages, and people groups.

India has over 1,500 languages and dialects, differing among separate states, tribes, and villages. Each state and tribe has a different tongue and culture, making India a country full of people with multiple different mindsets, religions, and ways. Traveling with the power of the Holy Spirit and a heart for the people of God, Dr. Sam and his ministry companions sought to bring God to each culture, showing the Love of Jesus and bringing the Holy Spirit within each of the 27of the 28 state borders in which they traveled.

Dr. Sam is currently following up with the ministers and pastors of these multiple different churches and home ministries to encourage them in Holy Spirit. He is also leading ministries online over zoom and other online platforms.

From September 4-30, Dr. Sam traveled to many of the same states he visited during his 52 day missions trip. He spent the month following up with the churches and ministries he had led revival meetings in during 2022. To learn about the impact and some of the testimonies from this mission, click here and scroll down to “30 Day September ministry” and “Jaipur Mission. To support the current move of God, click here.

In addition to all of these ministries, Dr. Sam has been traveling to churches all around southern India bringing Holy Spirit revivals and leading ministerial movements.

Please continue to pray for this move of God and the Kingdom work that is being done. You can follow Dr. Sam’s ministries through the link icons below.

Current Mission Work

In 2018, Dr. Sam received a call from God to the United States of America, a nation and culture very little known to the Indian minister.

“I saw in a vision a house on fire in the sky over America, shining brightly like a satellite.” Dr. Sam explains. “The light from this house was reaching all over the world to every nation.” He goes on to continue that, “Many nations, including India, have been reached with the Gospel through powerful men and women from America, and at this time, where I have seen America needing the Holy Spirit and a re-awakening into its call and purpose as a nation that ‘from these very shores the Gospel shall go forth to not only this New World, but the entire world,’ God has called me to lead ministry to other nations specifcally from the nation of the USA.”

For 2 years, Dr. Sam has been working and praying with AKM, a non denominational nonprofit charismatic ministry in Northern Virginia. This ministry has been sharing his vision and doctrinal beliefs for the past 12 years of its legal and ministerial existence.

Dr. Sam is now IN the United States continuing his deliverance and healing ministries. To see Dr. Sam’s ministerial beliefs under AKM, click here. To learn about AKM and this ministry’s legal and ministerial work in bringing him to the USA, click here.

AKM is currently looking for monthly sponsors to support Dr. Sam’s mission in the USA. If you would like to take action and pledge to give monthly support or a one time donation, click here.