Current Ministry Work

Dr. Sam has been traveling nationally around India, and internationally around the world. This page recounts his latest missionary and ministry work and how God has been moving.

National and International Ministry Travel

Dr. Sam has been traveling nationally, around India, and internationally, around the world, leading revivals, Holy Spirit ministry, and globally impactful movements. Learn more below.

Latest ministerial movements are listed on the bottom of this page.

Holy Spirit Encounter

national India mission

From November 6 to December 28th of 2022, (52 days) Dr. Sam and 4 other men of God, ministers, and missionary drivers, traveled to 27 of the 28 states of India leading revival and ministry meetings. In this move of God, entitled Holy Spirit Encounter, Holy Spirit moved in a might way among multiple underground churches, public churches, ministry buildings, public facilities of worship, private and underground home ministries, and more, the move of God spreading throughout differing denominations, religions, races, languages, and people groups.

India has over 1,500 languages and dialects, differing among separate states, tribes, and villages. Each state and tribe has a different tongue and culture, making India a country full of people with multiple different mindsets, religions, and ways. Traveling with the power of the Holy Spirit and a heart for the people of God, Dr. Sam and his ministry companions sought to bring God to each culture, showing the Love of Jesus and bringing the Holy Spirit within each of the 27of the 28 state borders in which they traveled.

Dr. Sam is currently following up with the ministers and pastors of these multiple different churches and home ministries to encourage them in Holy Spirit. He is also leading ministries online over zoom and other online platforms.

Please continue to pray for this move of God and the Kingdom work that is being done. You can follow Dr. Sam’s ministries through the links below.

If you would like a full recap of the work the God did to change the nation of India in these 2 months, check out the Official Documentary video below.

Udupi Ministry

In the month of April, 2023, after lots of online follow up and collaboration with the pastors, leaders, and ministers Dr. Sam had ministered to during Holy Spirit Encounter, Dr. Sam traveled to Udupi, Karnataka to minister as a guest speaker for many days at a large conference. The move of God that took place was phenomenal and many people experienced the kingdom of God.

In addition to the ministry that Dr. Sam did in Udupi, he has been invited to minister in multiple venues, churches, and conferences, bringing Holy Spirit and ministering powerfully.

Feeding Ministry

Every month on the 18th, the SamKing Foundation gathers donated funds and feeds the hungry on the streets of Trivandrum and abroad. Hundreds of people and families have received food and the Gospel message each month and the number is growing!

Volunteers of all ages are welcome to join in this south India ministry to the physically and spiritually hungry. If you are interested in giving to this particular ministry branch, click here.

A Few of the Recent Conferences

Dr. Sam has been leading/hosting and preaching in multiple conferences in 2023 around India. Each have been major Holy Spirit movements that have impacted the regions in which they were held.

Spirit Life World 13 hours worship and fire conference

Hosted on September 30, this conference hosted about 200 people, all of whom experienced Holy Spirit and many of whom shared testimonies of divine healing and miracles.

Tehillah Fire Conference

Dr. Sam came on for 2 days as a guest lead speaker at the Menorah Ministries Tehillah conference. Many testimonies have been received from this ministry.

Jaipur Mission

After extensive flooding in Jaipur during a missions trip in the end of September, Dr. Sam and the team heard many painful stories of death due to floodwaters. They were even saved from death on the way to a ministry in the jungles of the area. After the floodwaters finally receded and the rain stopped, Dr. Sam and the team traveled to the meeting place of Jaipur to minister to the people, some of whom, including the pastor of the area, had experienced the death of a friend or family member during the floods.

500 people arrived in the conference hall to seek the Lord for His Presence and peace. Miracles that day were extensive, and many people gave incredible testimonies. A lady who had been bit by a deadly snake and was totally paralyzed was prayed over, healed, and brought back to her family unharmed and well. Many other testimonies followed, and God’s movement continued even after Dr. Sam and his team left.

30 Day September Ministry

The Jaipur mission and some of the previous conferences were part of a 30 day mission around India. As a follow up to churches and ministries in northern and central India, Dr. Sam and his team traveled by plane to Punjab, Rajasthan, Jaipur, Tamil Nadu (Coimbatore) and other places around India. The move of God was incredible, and Dr. Sam is currently calling and following up with many of the pastors and ministerial leaders.


United States Mission

In 2018, Dr. Sam received a call from God to the United States of America, a nation and culture very little known to the Indian minister.

“I saw in a vision a house on fire in the sky over America, shining brightly like a satellite.” Dr. Sam explains. “The light from this house was reaching all over the world to every nation.” He goes on to continue that, “Many nations, including India, have been reached with the Gospel through powerful men and women from America, and at this time, where I have seen America needing the Holy Spirit and a re-awakening into its call and purpose as a nation that ‘from these very shores the Gospel shall go forth to not only this New World, but the entire world,’ God has called me to lead ministry to other nations specifcally from the nation of the USA.”

For about 2 years, Dr. Sam has been working and praying with AKM, a non denominational nonprofit charismatic ministry in Northern Virginia. This ministry has been sharing his vision and doctrinal beliefs for the past 12 years of its legal and ministerial existence.

Dr. Sam is NOW in the United States continuing his ministry of healing and deliverance in Virginia. In just a few short months in the US, we have seen some amazing movement of the Holy Spirit. Pastor Sam is currently networking in the US and planning other national ministry movements in the nation.

To see Dr. Sam’s ministerial beliefs under AKM, click here.

To support this ministry in the United States on the AKM support page, click here.